2025 Weld County Democratic Party Reorganization
The 2025 Weld County Democratic Party Reorganization is right around the corner. Use the form below to show your interest in becoming a part of our important work!
With as little as 2 hours a month you can make a huge difference!
It’s easy to get involved! Just fill out the form below and show up for the Reorganization to get started.
Registration @8:30
Meeting Begins @ 9 am
Saturday, February 8th
Johnstown Senior Center
101 Charlotte St
Johnstown, CO 80534
Description of Positions
Is the Chief Executive Officer of the Party, presides over the County Central and Executive Committee meetings, and the county assembly/convention, and may appoint personnel to manage the affairs of the party. Serves on the State Central and Executive Committees as well as congressional and multi-county legislative district central committees. Oversees campaigns in the county in consultation with the county executive committee.
1st Vice Chair
Assists the Chair and acts as Chair in the absence of the Chair. Is a member of the State Central and Executive Committees as well as congressional and multi-county legislative district central committees. Coordinates one of the primary party functions.
2nd Vice Chair
Assists the Chair and presides over meetings in the absence of the Chair and 1st Vice Chair. Coordinates one of the primary party functions.
Records and keeps the minutes of all meetings and keeps the official list of the members of committees. Serves as member of multi-county district central committees or designates replacement. Oversees filing and updating results of reorganization process with state party and Secretary of State. Acts as liaison for one of the party functions.
Has custody of the funds of the party and renders written accounts of receipts and disbursements and prepares and files all financial reports required by law, usually electronically. Serves as a member of the Weld Democratic Finance Committee.
State Central Committee (SCC) bonus members
Represent Weld County in activities and meetings of the State Central Committee, the governing body of the Colorado Democratic Party, which usually meets two-three times per year. SCC makes policy and rules decisions. Serve as members of the Weld Executive Committee, which meets monthly, and assist with coordination of activities between the state organization and the county organization and also can serve as vacancy committee members.
State Executive Committee (SEC) bonus members
Represent Weld County in activities and meetings of the State Executive Committee, which acts as an advisory committee to the state chair and officers. SEC makes some operational policy decisions and usually meets one-three times per year. Serve as members of the Weld Executive Committee.
Congressional District Central Committee bonus members for CD 2, 4 and 8
Represent Weld County in activities and meetings of the Congressional District Central Committees, which coordinate the nominating process and support the campaigns for U.S. Representative, State Board of Education, and CU Regent. Serve as members of the Weld Executive Committee and assist with coordination of activities between the congressional district and county organizations.
County Commissioner District Officers for Districts 1, 2, and 3 – Chair, Vice Chair and Secretary. Officiate at district assemblies in election years and district central committee meetings. Support district candidates’ campaigns. District chairs, or their designees, serve on the Candidate Development Committee.
State Platform Committee Member from House Districts 50 – Active for approximately two months prior to state assembly, the committee considers resolutions to be reported to the state assembly.